For the purpose this Act, the definitions of terms shall be as follows: (1) The term “social enterprise” used in this Act means an organization which is… [اقراء المزيد]
مراجع انجليزي
Leadership in Social Enterprise
[quote style=”full”] Most entrepreneurs tend to be transformational leaders, providing vision and inspiration. If they team up with a strong manager, they form a powerful… [اقراء المزيد]
Theory of Change: A Practical Tool For Action, Results and Learning
[dropcap radius=”1″ style=”” color=”#FFF”] Y [/dropcap]ou can achieve impact, influence and leverage outcomes if you develop core capacities that function well. A good example is the… [اقراء المزيد]
Tips and Recommendations for Successfully Pilot Testing Your Program
• Pilot testing can help you make better decisions about how to allocate time and resources. Pilot testing your program can help you determine if you need… [اقراء المزيد]
Towards a Better Understanding of Social Entrepreneurship
The differences between “sustainability” and “self-sufficiency” The non-profit sector has traditionally been driven by a “dependency” model, relying primarily on philanthropy, voluntarism and government subsidy, with… [اقراء المزيد]
The Development of Education for Social Entrepreneurship and NML
Four of the twenty social entrepreneurship programs in our analysis identify as religious institutions. We capture them separately here to draw attention to their focus on curricular… [اقراء المزيد]
Waqf as a Social Entrepreneurship Model in Islam
Experimental evidence confirms that good actions are rooted from people’s, beliefs and social culture and social believes of every nation’s are the essence of personality and… [اقراء المزيد]
Entrepreneurship from an Islamic Perspective
An Islamic Role in Entrepreneurship: The role of Islam in entrepreneurship is based on the interlinkage between the textual sources and contextual setting. The primary sources… [اقراء المزيد]
Social enterprise and SE where have we reached
The Social Enterprise Coalition states that in 2007 there were around 55,000 social enterprises in the UK turning over some £27 billion. This is not… [اقراء المزيد]
Theoretical Perspective of Social Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia
To understand the meaning of social entrepreneurship, we need to understand the word “entrepreneur” defined as “one who undertakes an enterprise, especially a contractor, acting as… [اقراء المزيد]