There is no one preferred legal structure for any and all social enterprises. Starting a Social Enterprise in Alberta, includes examples of social enterprises that have different legal forms. Below are some of the legal forms used by enterprises in Alberta:
Explore a number of different options when deciding what legal structure will best suit your enterprise. For example, a for-profit structure requires the organization to focus on making a profit. It also has tax implications. However, a non-profit structure increases the pressure to tackle complex social problems and may divert the organization away from creating needed profits or sustainability. Social enterprises are hybrid organizations where profit is required to attain the social good, so these options bring us back to the basic question: “What is the best way to achieve the mission of this enterprise?” Or, “Which option will support this mission best—a for-profit or a non-profit legal structure?”
The Roberts Foundation, a leader in social enterprise funding, suggests that “decisions about structure should flow from mission”.1 An organization’s mission may be 100% social or 100% profit, or some kind of mix. Where is your organization’s mission on the social–profit continuum?
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