Social impact investment is the provision of finance to organisations addressing social needs with the explicit expectation of a measurable social, as well as financial, return. Social impact investment has become increasingly relevant in today’s economic setting as social challenges have mounted while public funds in many countries are under pressure. New approaches are needed for addressing social and economic challenges, including new models of public and private partnership which can fund, deliver and scale innovative solutions from the ground up.
Social impact investment has evolved over the past decade as the result of a number of factors, including a growing interest by individual and institutional investors in tackling social issues at the local, national or global level. The recent economic crisis has further highlighted the tremendous social and economic challenges facing countries across the globe. Governments are seeking more effective ways to address these growing challenges and recognizing that private sector models can provide new innovative approaches. Chapter 2 provides further background on the evolution of the market as well as highlights parallels to traditional capital markets.
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