For-Profit firms harness competition (collaboration within competitive relationships) to boost productivity and innovative behavior:
- Innovation is a driver of economic growth and organizational performance (e.g.. Schumpeter 1942; Damanpour. Szabat and Evan 1989).
- Competition as a driver of both innovation and growth (e.g.. Cohen and Levin 1989).
Favorable network positions of for-profit firms positively impact firm-level innovation:
- More central firms benefit from enhanced resources. knowledge spillovers. and skill and network development (e.g.. Borgatti 2005; Tsai 2001)
- Firms that cover more structural holes benefit from a wider knowledge base and have the potential to access more ideas than those not entertaining structural holes (e.g.. Burt 1980; Burt 2004)
See more 22 Networks, Coopetition, and Innovative Behavior in the Nonprofit Sector Enhancing
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