Significant changes are occurring in the field of social enterprise, including major developments in the flow of funding, growing but often untapped philanthropic resources, and a… [اقراء المزيد]
Growing Businesses That Matter
Yunus Social Business – Global Initiatives (YSB) is a social accelerator that incubates and finances local entrepreneurs to build solutions from the ground up. YSB is active in… [اقراء المزيد]
Social Entrepreneurship and Broader Theories
Social Entrepreneurship and Broader Theories: Shedding New Light on the ‘Bigger Picture’ Societies around the world are facing significant social problems for which they often do not… [اقراء المزيد]
The Emergence and Development of Social Enterprise Sectors
In particular, Social Enterprise has grown spectacularly in India, with the country being referred to as “A Social Enterprise Superpower by Think, a social action think tank… [اقراء المزيد]
Social Enterprise Promotion Act in South Korea
For the purpose this Act, the definitions of terms shall be as follows: (1) The term “social enterprise” used in this Act means an organization which is… [اقراء المزيد]
Leadership in Social Enterprise
[quote style=”full”] Most entrepreneurs tend to be transformational leaders, providing vision and inspiration. If they team up with a strong manager, they form a powerful… [اقراء المزيد]
منظّمو الأعمال من ذوي النزعة الاجتماعية هم الحل
يستطيع ُمنظِّمو الأعمال من ذوي التوجهات الاجتماعية لعب دور كبير في السوق لنفترض وجود نوعين اثنين من البشر، كلاهما أُحـادي البعـد (dimensional-One ،(ولكـن أهدافهما مختلفة عن… [اقراء المزيد]
Theory of Change: A Practical Tool For Action, Results and Learning
[dropcap radius=”1″ style=”” color=”#FFF”] Y [/dropcap]ou can achieve impact, influence and leverage outcomes if you develop core capacities that function well. A good example is the… [اقراء المزيد]
Tips and Recommendations for Successfully Pilot Testing Your Program
• Pilot testing can help you make better decisions about how to allocate time and resources. Pilot testing your program can help you determine if you need… [اقراء المزيد]
Towards a Better Understanding of Social Entrepreneurship
The differences between “sustainability” and “self-sufficiency” The non-profit sector has traditionally been driven by a “dependency” model, relying primarily on philanthropy, voluntarism and government subsidy, with… [اقراء المزيد]